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Latex and Spandex lovers - Meet DollKraft!

When I first saw DollKraft while scrolling through my X, I was immediately intrigued, so many shiny things caught my Magpie eyes. I felt a deep feeling of mystery on this sexy page. Who was behind the masks? I needed to find out more about this delicious Doll, STAT!

What was meant to be a quick phone call, ended up being nearly a two-hour video chat, I could not get enough of "Doll" or "Kraft", yes there might be two of them!

Latex and Spandex lovers you are in for a treat!

DollKraft standing over you

How did your latex adventure begin?

It started with a pair of latex leggings when I said I wanted tighter pants. So a very wonderful partner of mine got me a pair of latex leggings appeared soon after and one thing led to another and soon I was in love with the feeling and smell of latex.

And since then, my enjoyment of tight and shiny has grown into more and more latex, spandex, zentai suits and hosiery.


What was your very first latex piece?

I started with moulded latex leggings and then got a made-to-measure pair of latex leggings cause I loved them so much and how they made me look and feel.


Why was this the first item you chose?

I wanted tighter pants. Something that will cling and accent my body, and when I wore latex it really did make me look and feel incredible.


Amorsey Spandex

What do you feel when you wear latex? 

Latex makes me feel confident, sexy and powerful when I wear it. Almost like a black shiny superhero, or more likely a Villainess

Worship my boots - DollKraft

 What is the longest time you have worn latex? 

The longest time would have been over 10 hours. We were at a Cosplay convention, and we spent a day wandering the con floor and taking photos. I got so much attention and people asked me what I was wearing and where did I get it and so many people wanted to touch it. When we wrapped up the con, we decided to shoot so spent a few hours out in public shooting, I think I got myself into the latex at 8 am, and it was around 7ish at night we decided to stop and get food (and that was a lot of fun in latex, but did ditch the corset!)


How do you feel dressed in latex in public? 

When I started shooting in public, I was so nervous and excited as I felt like an alien exploring the world. I would get so many people coming up asking us what was I wearing, why and could they touch, or get a picture with me. We would have cars go round and round the block trying to be ‘casual’ as they would be staring and trying to get a picture with their phones. usually, I would flag them down and ask them if they wanted a picture.

From there, I became less nervous as people always were so interested in what I was doing and asked and wanted pictures and it was so nice to have people excited to see me and ask for pictures. When we would shoot on holiday it was always fun watching a tram of people pass and seeing how many would be trying to take a picture. Curious about how many times I show up in people's holiday pictures!

Look me in the eyes, I dare you

 What do you want to share about latex with fellow fetishists? 

Made to measure is the way to go! Get a friend to measure you and get plenty of silicone lube! And a made-to-measure hood is an absolute must if you are thinking about getting one. I absolutely adore Gumique hoods. The fit is astounding and I have worn mine for over 8 hours without the usual hood pain. If you haven’t seen check them out, they are so good

But bar that, try new things, stay safe and learn to laugh and have fun!


What is the most surprising thing you have learned about latex? 

The most surprising thing was when I got my first neck entry catsuit. Unlike a normal one, you have no zipper (well, I have one at the crotch because super useful!). So, you stretch the neck and slip yourself into the suit. THAT really showed me how stretchy latex is (.25mm) the fact I can slip my entire body through a hole as wide as my neck always amazes me! It can take a little to get used to but the fit and way the suit sits is incredible.

And just how shiny you can make latex, as I adore laying back and being polished. I just melt feeling hands run over me and making me shine like a black mirror!

This is how I get so shiny - DollKraft

 Tell me about your most exciting latex adventure

Oh god, that’s a good question. I have a couple. One was we were shooting in a mall, and while shooting a group of older women were busy staring at me, so I went over and said hello! They thought I was a mannequin going up and down the escalator and were surprised to find there was someone under all the black rubber. They were so interested in the material and would constantly be touching and rubbing the latex, so I gave them a polishing cloth and a little lube and showed them how I got so shiny. I think I may have made some new rubberist that day. Though as we were packing up a woman approached us asking if we would like to submit our photos to a local magazine (that was a little insane).

But another adventure is when we almost killed a cyclist (not deliberately! I promise!). We were shooting on the street with one of my favourite makeup/look combinations and while we were one of my helpers started to laugh/wince. I looked over and saw a guy on his bike looking a bit frazzled. Seems he was too busy staring at me while I was posing and drifted into an intersection and almost got taken out by a tram. When I waved to him as I was pretty sure he would like a picture to remember the day he almost got killed, he started to look a bit nervous and cycled off, and narrowly missed riding straight into a lamp post. I think I need a warning label or something when I am shooting in public for drivers!

Oh and one last one, during one of my first shoots, I was doing my latex Nun look, and we were shooting at a local cathedral, as it wasn’t a Sunday we thought we would have a lot of time and were having fun shooting in front of the main door. Then all of a sudden, we were joking about what would they think to see a rubber Nun, and then all of a sudden the organ starts up and the doors started making very “unlocky” noises! So we quickly decided to relocate (luckily there are several large churches here so always somewhere new to shoot when you’re a Rubber Nun looking for a backdrop!). I must have looked insane a Rubber encased Nun in a gasmask laughing while escaping in 7-inch heels down a set of stone stairs. Actually amazed I didn’t kill myself!


Worship Me

Did you want to add anything else about DollKraft?

Well, a little-known fact is DollKraft is actually two people, Me, The Doll and my partner, Kraft, the camera/tech/lube monkey/driver/coffee getter and muffin provider! Without him, none of this would have been possible. But now we can’t see a life where we aren’t doing this.

But also, not only am I a massive Latex addict, but I also am a little bit of a total encasement, spandex, hosiery, zentai, cosplay fetish kitten! And now I’m looking at turning the last 10 years + of having fun into something I can do as a job because to be honest, do what you love and you will never work a day in your life! 

Are you a lover of Spandex and want a sweet 10% off Amorsey?

Use code "DollKraft" at checkout! Isn't she so kind to share this with you?

Find this gorgeous Doll on X

Off to get my morning coffee - DollKraft Public

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